Launched in July 2020, the RTH-ITF aims to provide funding support for organisations/companies undertaking research and development (R&D) projects funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) to engage research talent to conduct R&D work. The RTH-ITF has merged the previous Researcher Programme and Postdoctoral Hub for ITF projects.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
The maximum monthly allowance is HK$18,000 for research talents with a bachelor degree,
HK$21,000 for those with a master degree, and
HK$32,000 for those with a doctoral degree.
Each applicant company can engage up to 4 research talents at any one time.
Research talent must possess a bachelor (including top-up bachelor degree), master, or doctoral degree of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-related discipline awarded by either a local university or a well-recognised non-local institution, or jointly awarded by a local university together with a non-local university.
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Industries, Research institutes
Organisations/companies undertaking R&D projects funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF)
Launched in July 2020, the RTH-TC aims to provide funding support for technology companies conducting or planning to conduct research and development (R&D) activities in Hong Kong seeking to engage research talents to conduct R&D work. The RTH-TC merged the previous Researcher Programme and Postdoctoral Hub for technology companies conducting R&D activities in Hong Kong.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
The maximum monthly allowance is HK$18,000 for research talents with a bachelor degree,
HK$21,000 for those with a master degree, and
HK$32,000 for those with a doctoral degree.
Each applicant company can engage up to 4 research talents at any one time.
Research talent must possess a bachelor (including top-up bachelor degree), master, or doctoral degree of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-related discipline awarded by either a local university or a well-recognised non-local institution, or jointly awarded by a local university together with a non-local university.
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
Technology Companies Conducting R&D Activities in Hong Kong
The Public Policy Research Funding Scheme is a government-financed funding scheme dedicated to supporting evidence-based public policy research by higher education institutions and think tanks in Hong Kong.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Each project will normally be granted HK$1 million or below. Project costing over HK$1 million needs strong justifications.
Maximum project duration:
12 Months
The duration of projects will normally lasts from 6 to 12 months. Projects with a longer duration up to 36 months need strong justifications.
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Local non-profit making think tanks
The Areas of Excellence Scheme aims to provide support to UGC-funded universities to build on their existing strengths and develop them into areas of excellence.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
The funding maximum amount of $75 million applies to direct project cost. Indirect costs will be provided separately.
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
UGC-funded universities
The Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) supports multi-investigator and disciplinary projects to encourage more creative and high quality cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional projects.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Universities make a 50% contribution towards the equipment costs for Collaborative Research Project Grant projects; and 50% contribution of the total costs of Collaborative Research Equipment Grant projects.
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
Normally last for no more than three years, except for applications of which the research objective(s) can only be achieved in a time span of four to five years.
UGC-funded universities
The Early Career Scheme (ECS) is intended to nurture junior academics and prepare them for a career in education and research.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Grant size per project normally up to $2 million
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
UGC-funded universities
The European Union (EU) - Hong Kong (HK) Research and Innovation Cooperation Co-funding Mechanism by the Research Grants Council aims to foster EU-HK collaboration in academic research and support the participation of researchers in universities funded by the University Grants Committee in HK in joint research projects conducted under the framework of Horizon 2020.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
This scheme accepts research project proposals in science disciplines (viz. biology and medicine, engineering and physical sciences), as well as exchange (mobility) proposals in all disciplines.
Maximum funding amount:
Research Grant: 3,000,000
Exchange (mobility) Grant: 500,000
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
The project duration should normally be not more than five years and should not be longer than that of the concerned Horizon 2020 project.
UGC-funded universities
The Faculty Development Scheme aims to develop the research capability of individual academic staff in local self-financing degree-awarding institutions so that they can transfer their research experiences and new knowledge into teaching and learning.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
No specific limit
The funding threshold is HK$150,000 (inclusive of 15% on-costs) for projects in the fields of Biology & Medicine, Engineering and Physical Sciences, and HK$100,000 (inclusive of 15% on-costs) for projects in the fields of Business Studies and Humanities & Social Sciences.
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions
In 1996, the Research Grants Council (RGC) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) joined together to promote research collaboration between Hong Kong and Germany by providing researchers in the two locations with travel grants for the duration periods of one and two years.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum HK$45,000 per year for projects involving travel of research postgraduate student(s). Maximum HK$30,000 per year for projects not involving students' travel.
Maximum project duration:
24 Months
UGC-funded universities
Established in 2009 by the Research Grants Council (RGC), the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims to attract the world’s best and brightest minds to pursue their PhD programmes at universities in Hong Kong.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
UGC-funded universities
The Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) was set up by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to provide funding support for educational, research and other projects and activities in relation to environmental and conservation matters. The objectives are to promote individual behavioural and lifestyle changes to achieve sustainable development, and develop or introduce innovative technologies and practices to improve the environment and conserve resources.
Introduced in 2012/13, the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) aims at granting extended time-off and supporting funds to the outstanding investigators under the disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel to enable them to focus on research work and writing.
Discipline/Research area:
Humanities & Social Sciences
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
12 Months
UGC-funded universities
The Institutional Development Scheme (IDS) Collaborative Research Grant aims to encourage and support collaborative research involving two or more self-financing institutions, and / or group research activities that operate across disciplines within an institution, with a view to enhancing the research output of self-financing institutions in terms of the level of attainment, quality, dimensions and / or speed.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
The total funding for each project is in the range of HK$2 million to HK$10 million (inclusive of the 15% on-costs).
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions
The Institutional Development Scheme (IDS) Research Infrastructure Grant aims to build up the research capacity of local self-financing degree-awarding institutions in strategic areas.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
The funding ceiling for each project is set with reference to the number of full-time academic staff and full-time students
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions
The Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) aims to enhance academics' research capability in the local self-financing degree-awarding institutions and keep them abreast of new developments and challenging research topics in relevant fields.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
No specific limit
Funding covers direct costs involved in organizing workshops or short courses and on-costs of 15% of the approved costs.
There is no funding threshold or ceiling on approved projects, and approval is subject to the justification of the proposal.
Maximum project duration:
12 Months
Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions
The National Natural Science Foundation of China / Research Grants Council of Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme aims to promote collaboration between researchers/research teams in Hong Kong and the Mainland on the basis of complementing the existing strengths of both sides.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
The six focus areas for research grants under the scheme include Information Technology, Life Science, New Materials Science, Marine and Environmental Science, Medicine, and Management Science.
Two conferences, one in science disciplines (viz. Biology & Medicine, Engineering and Physical Sciences disciplines) and one in non-science disciplines (viz Humanities, Social Sciences and Business Studies disciplines) to be held in Hong Kong, will be selected for funding.
Maximum funding amount:
Research Grant: 1,250,000
Conference Grant: 250,000
Maximum project duration:
48 Months
Research Grant:
48 months
Conference Grant:
Two or three-day conference
UGC-funded universities
The Postgraduate Students Conference / Seminar Grants Scheme aims to support and promote inter-institutional and inter-disciplinary contacts among postgraduate students of the UGC-funded universities through organising locally held inter-institutional and / or inter-disciplinary conferences / seminars targeted at postgraduate students, thereby providing opportunities for postgraduate students of these universities to meet and interact with eminent scholars from outside Hong Kong.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
Not applicable
UGC-funded universities
Introduced in 1998 by the Research Grants Council (RGC) and the Consulate General of France (CGF) in Hong Kong, PROCORE-France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme is designed to promote research collaboration between Hong Kong and France by providing researchers in the two locations with one-year and two-year travel grants.
By offering such support, the scheme aims to enable collaboration between Hong Kong and French researchers of similar fields to develop and disseminate new research works.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
The amount of the grant per project per year is set at HK$45,000 for those involving travel of research postgraduate student(s) and HK$31,250 per year for those not involving students' travels.
Maximum project duration:
24 Months
UGC-funded universities
The Research Impact Fund (RIF) aims to encourage local academics to carry out research into impactful and translational research projects for the benefits to the wider community; or to encourage a greater volume of collaborative research beyond academia (e.g. with government departments, the business sector, the industry and research institutes).
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Matching funds are required : 70% (RGC)/30% (university/organisational partner(s)) basis.
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
Must span three to five years.
UGC-funded universities
The Research Grants Council has collaborated with the National Academy of Medicine of the United States for the Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards (Hong Kong) (HLCA (HK)) starting from 2022. Being part of the Healthy Longevity Global Competition at its Catalyst Phase, HLCA (HK) aims to call for bold and innovative ideas from any discipline that have the potential to extend the human healthspan. Ideas could focus on early-, mid-, or late-life, as long as it ultimately promotes health as people age.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
US$50,000 (Approx. HK$389,000)
Maximum project duration:
12 Months
UGC-funded universities
The Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS) was introduced by the Hong Kong Government in order to achieve the following objectives:
-Incentivise the private sector to strengthen financial support for research and development (R&D);
-Diversify research funding sources in the higher education sector;
-Encourage collaboration between industries and the higher education sector in R&D; and
-Increase the social impact of the research conducted by the higher education sector.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
There is no restriction on academic disciplines, while the RMGS only applies to research-related purposes.
Maximum funding amount:
Not applicable
Each participating university/institutuion has a matching "ceiling" of $500 million during 3-year scheme operation period
Maximum project duration:
Not applicable
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions
The RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS) aims to encourage doctoral graduates in pursuing a career in research and provide promising researchers with support at a pivotal time in their early careers in order to ensure a supply of talent with scientific and research skills for research and development in Hong Kong.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
UGC-funded universities
The RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) aims to provide sustained support and relief from teaching and administrative duties to exceptionally outstanding researchers at Associate Professor rank at UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong, with a view to facilitating their full dedication to research and development and helping universities attract and retain research talent.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
UGC-funded universities
RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) aims to provide sustained support and relief from teaching and administrative duties to exceptionally outstanding researchers at full Professor rank at UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong, with a view to facilitating their full dedication to research and development and helping universities attract and retain research talent.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
UGC-funded universities
Strategic Topics Grant (STG) is set up to support collaborative research in specific areas which can help Hong Kong overcome imminent challenges and capture emerging opportunities.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
There are five strategic topics under STG, including (i) Using Advanced Technology to Address Health Care Challenges, (ii) Striving towards Carbon Neutrality before 2050, (iii) Establishing Hong Kong as the Leading Integrated Circuits, and Opto-electronics Innovation and Technology Hub in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, (iv) Managing the Socio-economic Dimensions of Public Health Challenges; and (v) Innovative and Environmental-friendly Construction Technologies and Materials.
Maximum funding amount:
-Matching funds are required : 90% (RGC) / 10% (university)
-The funding maximum amount of $40 million applies to total project cost only.
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
UGC-funded universities
The French National Research Agency and the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme aims to strengthen collaboration between French and Hong Kong research communities.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
48 Months
Research projects with duration of 36 or 48 months will be accepted.
UGC-funded universities
The General Research Fund (GRF) aims to supplement universities' own research support to researchers who have achieved or have the potential to achieve excellence.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
Grant size per project normally up to $2 million
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
UGC-funded universities
The Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) aims to focus academic research efforts of UGC-funded universities on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
There are four standing research themes under the TRS (i.e. Health, Environment, Business and Emerging Research).
Maximum funding amount:
The funding maximum amount of $75 million applies to direct project cost. Indirect costs will be provided separately.
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
UGC-funded universities
The Government allocated in the 2020-21 Budget a HK$200 million for setting up the Green Tech Fund (GTF) to provide better and more focused funding support to research and development projects which can help Hong Kong decarbonise and enhance environmental protection.
Discipline/Research area:
Environment & Conservation
Priority will be given to projects in four areas (namely decarbonisation and energy saving, green transport, waste management and air and water quality).
Maximum funding amount:
Designated local public research institutes or R&D Centres: HK$2.5 million – HK$30 million;
Local Companies: HK$2.5 million – HK$20 million (on a matching basis, applicants shall contribute at least one-third of the total project cost)
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
Designated local public research institutes or R&D Centres - 60 months;
Local Companies - 36 months
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Industries, Research institutes
Designated local public research institutes, R&D Centres and local companies are eligible to apply for the GTF:
Designated local public research institutes include : (a) Local universities (including all institutions funded by the University Grants Committee); (b) Self-financing degree-awarding institutions registered under the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320); (c) The Hong Kong Productivity Council; (d) The Vocational Training Council; (e) The Clothing Industry Training Authority; and (f) The Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology.
R&D centres include (a) Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems R&D Centre; (b) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute; (c) Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel; (d) Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre; and (e) Nano and Advanced Materials Institute.
Local Companies refer to those (a) incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622); (b) registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap.310); and (c) not a government subvented organisation nor its subsidiary (A government subvented organisation means an organisation that receives grant from the Government on a recurrent basis. The grant contributes towards the organisation's operational expenses, in exchange for its service to the public. The recurrent grant may account for the bulk of the subvented organisation's income or may just be a token contribution/sponsorship forming a small percentage of the subvented organisation's total income.)
The Health and Medical Research Fund supports specific programmes commissioned to, inter alia, build research capacity, fill knowledge gaps, support policy formulation, address specific issues, assess needs and threats, etc., identified on the advice of relevant Expert Advisory Panels of the Research Council. Funding for such programmes may cover research projects, facilities, infrastructure and other capacity building initiatives as appropriate.
Discipline/Research area:
Biology & Medicine
Maximum funding amount:
Not applicable
Maximum project duration:
Not applicable
Research institutes
The Health and Medical Fund invites applications for investigator-initiated research projects and health promotion projects.
Discipline/Research area:
Biology & Medicine
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Industries, Research institutes, Non-profit making organisations
The Health and Medical Research Fund Research Fellowship Scheme aims to support researchers or professionals in their early to mid-career, particularly healthcare professionals to enhance their skills in public health and health services research.
Discipline/Research area:
Biology & Medicine
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
24 Months
UGC-funded universities
Including designated hospitals, Queen Mary Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital only
The Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme is a government-financed funding scheme dedicated to supporting evidence-based public policy research by higher education institutions and think tanks in Hong Kong.
Discipline/Research area:
All disciplines
Maximum funding amount:
The duration of research projects may last from one to five years.
Maximum project duration:
60 Months
The duration of research projects may last from one to five years.
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Local non-profit making think tanks
Launched in 2015, the Enterprise Support Scheme aims to provide funding support for local companies to conduct in-house research and development (R&D) work with a view to encouraging the private sector to invest in R&D.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
Provides on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis.
Maximum project duration:
24 Months
Comapny is eligible to apply if it -
(a) is incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) or its predecessor ordinance;
(b) has a current business registration certificate issued under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310);
(c) is not a government subvented organisation; and
(d) is not a subsidiary within the meaning of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) of any government subvented organisation
Launched in 2020, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Internship Scheme ("the Scheme") aims to encourage STEM students to gain innovation and technology (I&T)-related work experience during their studies and to foster their interest in pursuing a career in I&T after graduation, in order to enlarge the local I&T talent pool.
Discipline/Research area:
Engineering, Environment & Conservation, Innovation and Technology, Physical Sciences
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum project duration:
3 Months
Not more than three months in every academic year.
UGC-funded universities, Industries
Launched in September 2004, the Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme aims to enhance the level of collaboration on research and development (R&D) among universities, research institutes and technology enterprises in Hong Kong and Guangdong/Shenzhen.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
No specific limit
Industry Sponsorship: at least 10% of the total project cost for platform projects; at least 50% of the total project cost for collaborative projects.
Maximum project duration:
24 Months
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Research institutes
The lead applicant must be an R&D Centre[1] or a designated local public research institute[2]. The industry co-applicant for collaborative projects can be either a company incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or an industry support organisation, a trade and industry association or professional body which has the legal capacity to enter into contracts.
[1] R&D Centres refer to (a) Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre; (b) Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel; (c) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, designated as the R&D Centre for Information and Communications Technologies; (d) Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre; and (e) Nano and Advanced Materials Institute.
[2] Designated local public research institutes refer to local universities (including all University Grants Committee-funded institutions), self-financing degree-awarding institutions registered under the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320), the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Vocational Training Council, the Clothing Industry Training Authority and the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology.
Launched in November 1999, the Innovation and Technology Support Programme aims to support applied research and development (R&D) projects undertaken by R&D Centres or designated local public research institutes with a view to transferring the R&D results to local industries.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
No specific limit
Platform projects :
Industry Sponsorship: at least 10% of the total project cost.
Maximum project duration:
24 Months
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Research institutes
The lead applicant must be an R&D Centre[1] or a designated local public research institute[2].
[1] R&D Centres refer to (a) Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre; (b) Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel; (c) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, designated as the R&D Centre for Information and Communications Technologies; (d) Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre; and (e) Nano and Advanced Materials Institute.
[2] Designated local public research institutes refer to local universities (including all University Grants Committee-funded institutions), self-financing degree-awarding institutions registered under the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320), the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Vocational Training Council, the Clothing Industry Training Authority and the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology.
Launched in November 1999, the Innovation and Technology Support Programme aims to support applied research and development (R&D) projects undertaken by R&D Centres or designated local public research institutes with a view to transferring the R&D results to local industries.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
Seed projects:
Industry Sponsorship: NOT mandatory.
$2,800,000 for projects undertaken by R&D Centres; $1,400,000 for other applicants.
Maximum project duration:
18 Months
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Research institutes
The lead applicant must be an R&D Centre[1] or a designated local public research institute[2].
[1] R&D Centres refer to (a) Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre; (b) Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel; (c) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, designated as the R&D Centre for Information and Communications Technologies; (d) Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre; and (e) Nano and Advanced Materials Institute.
[2] Designated local public research institutes refer to local universities (including all University Grants Committee-funded institutions), self-financing degree-awarding institutions registered under the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320), the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Vocational Training Council, the Clothing Industry Training Authority and the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology.
Launched in April 2019, the Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme aims to support and encourage research and development (R&D) collaboration among universities, research institutes and technology enterprises in Hong Kong and the Mainland.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
No specific limit
Industry Sponsorship: at least 10% of the total project cost for platform projects; at least 50% of the total project cost for collaborative projects.
Maximum project duration:
24 Months
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Research institutes
The lead applicant must be an R&D Centre[1] or a designated local public research institute[2]. The industry co-applicant for collaborative projects can be either a company incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or an industry support organisation, a trade and industry association or professional body which has the legal capacity to enter into contracts.
[1] R&D Centres refer to (a) Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre; (b) Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel; (c) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, designated as the R&D Centre for Information and Communications Technologies; (d) Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre; and (e) Nano and Advanced Materials Institute.
[2] Designated local public research institutes refer to local universities (including all University Grants Committee-funded institutions), self-financing degree-awarding institutions registered under the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320), the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Vocational Training Council, the Clothing Industry Training Authority and the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology.
Launched in December 2016, the Midstream Research Programme for Universities aims to encourage universities funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) to collaborate with leading research institutes worldwide to conduct more theme-based inter-disciplinary and translational research and development (R&D) work in focused technology areas.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
Maximum Funding Support: HK$5 million per project for Standalone Projects; HK$10 million per project for Collaboration Projects involving multiple disciplines or research institutes (priority accorded).
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
UGC-funded universities
Launched in January 2019, the Partnership Research Programme aims to support applied research and development (R&D) projects undertaken by R&D Centres or designated local public research institutes in collaboration with companies.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
No specific limit
Industry Sponsorship: at least 50% of the total project cost.
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
UGC-funded universities, Local self-financing degree-awarding institutions, Research institutes
The lead applicant must be an R&D Centre[1] or a designated local public research institute[2], which should partner with an industry co-applicant to apply for PRP. The industry co-applicant can be either a company incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or an industry support organisation, a trade and industry association or professional body which has the legal capacity to enter into contracts.
[1] R&D Centres refer to (a) Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre; (b) Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel; (c) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, designated as the R&D Centre for Information and Communications Technologies; (d) Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre; and (e) Nano and Advanced Materials Institute.
[2] Designated local public research institutes refer to local universities (including all University Grants Committee-funded institutions), self-financing degree-awarding institutions registered under the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320), the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Vocational Training Council, the Clothing Industry Training Authority and the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology.
Launched in April 2010, the Research and Development Cash Rebate Scheme (CRS) aims to encourage more research and development (R&D) investment in the private sector and encourage local enterprises to establish stronger partnerships with designated local public research institutes.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
No specific limit
The Scheme provides a cash rebate equivalent to 40% of a company's eligible expenditure in two types of applied R&D projects –
R&D projects funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) ("ITF projects"); and
R&D projects funded entirely by companies and conducted in partnership with designated local public research institutes ("Partnership projects").
Maximum project duration:
Not applicable
Industries, Research institutes
To nurture technology talent and encourage them to pursue a career in innovation and scientific research, the RTH-SPC was launched in July 2020 to provide funding support for incubatees and innovation and technology (I&T) tenants of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) and the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport) to engage research talent to conduct research and development (R&D) work. The RTH-SPC merged the previous Researcher Programme and Postdoctoral Hub for incubateees and I&T tenants of the HKSTPC and the Cyberport.
Discipline/Research area:
Innovation and Technology
Maximum funding amount:
The maximum monthly allowance is HK$18,000 for research talents with a bachelor degree,
HK$21,000 for those with a master degree, and
HK$32,000 for those with a doctoral degree.
Each applicant company can engage up to 4 research talents at any one time.
Research talent must possess a bachelor (including top-up bachelor degree), master, or doctoral degree of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-related discipline awarded by either a local university or a well-recognised non-local institution, or jointly awarded by a local university together with a non-local university.
Maximum project duration:
36 Months
Incubatees and I&T tenants of the HKSTPC and the Cyberport
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